NDI in the Cloud

Connecting the video infrastructure.

The performance efficiency, high flexibility, and potential for data embedding of our connectivity technology make NDI the logical fit for any cloud service sharing, storing, and managing video.

Integrating NDI into your cloud platform provides users with a seamless way to connect local NDI-enabled devices to the cloud, scale-up local productions to virtual studios of any size, and offer real-time collaboration and editing through bidirectional controls and metadata across the world.

Today, leading cloud-based video editing and management software like BirdDog Connect, Ross Production Cloud, Vizrt’s Viz Now or CloudMX Audio Mixer from Waves are harnessing the efficacy of NDI to transform the video industry.

Designed to be cloud-native.

High-quality video Arrow Down
Customizable metada Arrow Down
Plug & play interoperability Arrow Down
Scalable over internet Arrow Down
High-efficiency performance Arrow Down
A universe of NDI-enabled products Arrow Down
Ready to connect?

Become compatible with the ecosystem and decode all NDI formatss


Enhance your video connectivity: decode, transcode and encode our most advanced formats
